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Director Education Message

Vijay Lakshmi Verma, Director

The world is today passing through very testing times. The economy seems to be in the doldrums. Terrorism around the world is one of the major concerns. Agitations for various causes seem to be dragging the humanity backwards. Tolerance appears to have gone out of the window. People are on the warpath, demanding and fighting for their rights instead of merely accepting what is offered to them. Everyone seems to be self-centred, concerned only about his/her personal interest. The interest of one’s country appears to be farthest from the mind.

This reminds me of the famous words of John F. Kennedy, “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.” Are we ready to do this? I hope so, if we are to ensure that the world progresses with the progress of each and every country.

We, at Viverly, try to prepare our children to be good ambassadors of the world by providing education that is holistic and meaningful in the changing times. One only has to visit our campus to have a firsthand experience of the ambience conducive to good learning.

Vijay Lakshmi Verma
Director, Education