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ICT Infrastructure


The world has become a smaller place with the computer and internet connectivity. The stress of distances is no longer felt and even small children are adept at using cell phones and video games. In this techno savvy age education cannot be complete without computers. VPS sees to it that students are well versed with computers and internet. Infect many projects in various subjects is done through computers. The students teacher ratio is 1:15 which is very viable. The school can boost of teaching through smart classes as smart boards are available preloaded with syllabus. Each class uses smart classes twice a week per subject. A large area of awareness is created in this manner.

It is proposed for the year of 2016-17 to offer computer science and informatic practices as study subjects for senior secondary classes.


VPS has primary classes (I to V). The subjects taught are English, Hindi, Maths, E.V.E, G.K., Moral Science and Computers besides Physical Education, Co-Curricular activities and life skills.


Classes VI to X are done as per CBSE pattern. To add confidence and sharpen the mind of students, a number of work books and study materials are added to syllabus subjects taught are English, Hindi, Maths, Science, S.St, G.K., Moral Science and Computers besides Physical Education, Co-Curricular activities and life skills.